Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Conservation Education: Bridgeport 8th Graders Help Mark Second Year of Science in Nature
A great group of eighth graders from Bridgeport's Curiale School helped us mark the second full academic year of Science in Nature yesterday at our Larsen Sanctuary in Fairfield.
They spent the morning searching the sanctuary's freshwater wetlands for invertebrates, and determining the pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations. The Connecticut Post was there to cover it (click here) and we have more on our homepage.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Fall Banding at MIlford Point
banding is in full swing at our Milford Point Coastal Center right now. The trees around the
center are abuzz with a plethora of Yellow-rumped Warblers (Setophaga coronata) and many other
migrants. Here are a few that have been caught recently at the banding
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Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) male |
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Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) female |
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Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) |
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Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) |
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Bird Banding Demonstration Tuesday in Fairfield
Tuesday, October 22, 9 a.m. Pine Creek Open Space in Fairfield.
Join master bander Judy Richardson (a member of Connecticut Audubon Society's Board of Directors) and her team as they take bird banding on the road. They usually band at our Birdcraft Sanctuary but wanted to see if they could catch different migratory birds closer to Long Island Sound. You won't want to miss this opportunity to observe resident and migratory birds up close, as birds are caught in mist nets and banded for research.
The fee is $7. Call for reservations 203-259-6305 ext.109
Meet at Pine Creek Open Space at the gated entrance on Old Dam Road. If it is raining, the event will be postponed to Tuesday, October 29.
Winter Wren photograph by Sean Graesser/Copyright Connecticut Audubon Society
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Saw-whet Owl Banding Demonstrations
Connecticut Audubon Society’s Milford Point Coastal Center and Center at Pomfret will both be banding Northern Saw-whet owls this fall as the mysterious little birds migrate from the north. At least five sessions will be open to the public, but pre-registration is required.
Milford Point Coastal CenterSaturday, October 19, 7-9 p.m.
Wednesday, October 23, 7-9 p.m.
Leaders: Sean Graesser and Frank Gallo
To register, call Louise Crocco at 203-878-7440 x 502.
Cost: $15 CAS Members; $20 Non-members
Limit: 15 people per night.
Center at Pomfret
Friday, October, 25, 8 p.m.
Friday, November 1, 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 2, 8 p.m.
Leader: Andy Rzeznikiewicz
To register, call 860-928-4948
Cost: $15 CAS members; $25 non-members.
Click here to become a member of Connecticut Audubon Society.
The docile Saw-whet owl is small enough to sit in your hand. Any owls caught will be banded, aged and sexed, photographed then released back into the wild. While we wait, there will also be discussion on the biology of Saw-whets and other owls in our area. Bring your cameras and dress appropriately for the weather.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Fish Studies at the Larsen Sanctuary
Since 2010 students from
Housatonic Community College, along with their professor, Dr. Tony Pappantoniou,
have been engaged in studying the fish species of the Larsen Sanctuary, at
Connecticut Audubon Society’s Center at Fairfield. Dr. Pappantoniou recently
sent us an account of their work:
To date we have identified
six species: bluegill sunfish, pumpkinseed sunfish, largemouth bass, redfin
pickerel, bullhead catfish and the American eel. This grouping of fish is
classified as a warm water fauna by fish biologists. Some of these species are
native to Connecticut while others are introduced.
During our studies, fish are
collected using seine nets, identified, photographed and measured. They are not
harmed and are always returned to the location they were collected from. Here’s a rundown of what we caught.
The Centrarchid Fish –
Basses and Sunfish
Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus): This
species was originally native to western and central North American, but it has
been transplanted throughout most of the US, with Connecticut being no
exception. The bluegill is commonly found in the streams and the Farm Pond of
the Larsen Sanctuary. It has a fairly broad diet, consuming plant material,
insects, small crustaceans and snails.
Spawning usually takes place
during late June and early July. The bluegill builds a circular nest by
clearing out an area of the bottom. The nests are up to 12 inches in diameter
and can be easily seen if you are walking along any of the streams of the
Larsen Sanctuary during breeding season. It is not unusual to see a male
guarding the nest trying to attract females. Several females will deposit eggs
in the same nest during a breeding season. The male guards the eggs and young
for several days. The growth of
these sunfish is fairly rapid. Our own observations show that by the end of
July we are collecting young that are already 1-plus inches in length (25-30 mm). The
largest adult bluegill we observed was a 180 mm individual (seven inches).
Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus): This brightly-colored relative of the bluegill is
native to Connecticut. The pumpkinseed is found in the Farm Pond and the
surrounding streams. The bluegill and the pumpkinseed share a lot of
characteristics but can be easily told apart. The bluegill has a prominent
black spot on the posterior edge of its dorsal fin along with a solid dark
colored opercular flap. The pumpkinseed has a dark opercular flap with a bright
red margin. The pumpkinseed also
builds a circular nest similar to the bluegill and has similar breeding
behavior. It is difficult to tell a bluegill nest from the pumpkinseed nest
without first identifying the individuals guarding the nest.
Just as with bluegill, the young pumpkinseeds grow rapidly. We collect young in the 22–30 mm range (about 1 inch) by the end of July. The largest pumpkinseed sunfish we observed at Larsen was a 140 mm individual (5.5 inches). When we collect in early June, it is not unusual to find pumpkinseed in the 60-65 mm range. These individuals are most likely the young of the previous summer.
Just as with bluegill, the young pumpkinseeds grow rapidly. We collect young in the 22–30 mm range (about 1 inch) by the end of July. The largest pumpkinseed sunfish we observed at Larsen was a 140 mm individual (5.5 inches). When we collect in early June, it is not unusual to find pumpkinseed in the 60-65 mm range. These individuals are most likely the young of the previous summer.
Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides): The largemouth bass is not native to Connecticut.
Biologists place this species in the same family as the sunfish. We regularly
collect young largemouth bass in the streams that empty the Farm Pond. We have
collected a few adults from the Farm Pond. No adults have been collected from
the streams. Most likely the young largemouth bass wash into the stream during
heavy spring and summer rainfalls. The small streams that extend out from the
Farm Pond are not ideal habitat for the largemouth bass, as they are too
shallow. Most likely the young find their way into larger streams.
We collect numerous juvenile largemouth bass over the course of a summer season and it is interesting to watch their growth progress. The following largemouth bass data is from our 2010 collecting season (1 inch = 25.4 mm):
We collect numerous juvenile largemouth bass over the course of a summer season and it is interesting to watch their growth progress. The following largemouth bass data is from our 2010 collecting season (1 inch = 25.4 mm):
Collection Date Average Length (mm)
June 22 25
June 29 44
July 13 50
July 27 57
August 3 63
This growth progression
seems to be in line with other statistics reported for the largemouth bass. In
a six-week span the young have more than doubled their size.
Non-Centrarchid Fish:
Redfin Pickerel (Esox americanus americanus): This species is native to Connecticut. All of the
individuals collected in the Larsen Sanctuary are collected from the streams.
Typical for their species, these individuals prefer small quiet sections of the
streams. The redfin pickerel is an outstanding example of what biologists call
a lie-in-wait predator. They remain stationary in one spot waiting for prey to
come to them. When a prey is close enough they dart out and grab it with their
small sharp teeth. The longest individual to date is a 133 mm specimen (5.2
inches). This species can achieve lengths of 10–13 inches.
Brown Bullhead Catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus): The
brown bullhead is a Connecticut native. Adults are collected in the Farm Pond.
The largest individual we collected by seine net was 252 mm (almost 10 inches).
During the summer many young catfish are collected at the outlet of the Farm
Pond. Presumably they are washed out of the Pond by spring and summer rain.
Young bullheads tend to stick together during the early stages of their lives, so when we do collect them we tend to find large numbers in our seines. It is interesting to watch the progress of their growth over a summer season. The follow data is for summer 2012 (1 inch = 25.4 mm):
Young bullheads tend to stick together during the early stages of their lives, so when we do collect them we tend to find large numbers in our seines. It is interesting to watch the progress of their growth over a summer season. The follow data is for summer 2012 (1 inch = 25.4 mm):
Collection Date Average
Length (mm)
June 17 17
July 8 23.5
July 22 33.4
August 5 38.3
August 12 43.5
American Eel (Anguilla rostrata):
Perhaps the most interesting of the fish living in the streams of the Larsen
Sanctuary are the American eels.
All American eels undergo long distance migrations. American eels are catadromous (they swim downstream to spawn). Adult American eels from all over the east coast swim downstream and eventually end up in the South Atlantic (Sargasso Sea) to spawn. Upon spawning the adults die and the young travel back to the east coast and swim upstream to live and mature in streams and rivers. They live in freshwater for several years until they are old enough to breed. The adults then swim downstream and back out to the Sargasso Sea to complete their life cycle. This is a truly remarkable journey for a local denizen of the Larsen Sanctuary.
American eels can grow quite large. It is not unusual for individuals to achieve lengths of two feet. The largest specimen we have collected in Larsen has been 300 mm or just under 12 inches.
American eel populations are in trouble, mostly due to damming of rivers and streams and habitat degradation in the northeast. Several years ago there was an attempt to list the American eel under the Endangered Species Act, but at the time the federal government did not see the need to do so.
All American eels undergo long distance migrations. American eels are catadromous (they swim downstream to spawn). Adult American eels from all over the east coast swim downstream and eventually end up in the South Atlantic (Sargasso Sea) to spawn. Upon spawning the adults die and the young travel back to the east coast and swim upstream to live and mature in streams and rivers. They live in freshwater for several years until they are old enough to breed. The adults then swim downstream and back out to the Sargasso Sea to complete their life cycle. This is a truly remarkable journey for a local denizen of the Larsen Sanctuary.
American eels can grow quite large. It is not unusual for individuals to achieve lengths of two feet. The largest specimen we have collected in Larsen has been 300 mm or just under 12 inches.
American eel populations are in trouble, mostly due to damming of rivers and streams and habitat degradation in the northeast. Several years ago there was an attempt to list the American eel under the Endangered Species Act, but at the time the federal government did not see the need to do so.
The hands-on and data collecting experience my students get while working at Larsen is invaluable. Several of my students have gone on to university level programs, majoring in biology. After a day in the field one student commented: “Do people really get paid for doing this?” Could this be a future field biologist in the making?
I would like to thank
Connecticut Audubon and the staff at the Fairfield Center, especially Mr.
Robert Martinez, for allowing us to use this wonderful facility.
Dr. Tony Pappantoniou
Associate Professor of Biology
Housatonic Community College
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Associate Professor of Biology
Housatonic Community College
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Photos of American eel and juvenile largemouth bass are courtesy of Dr. Tony Pappantoniou. The photo of the students in the pond are by Dr. Twan Leenders/Copyright Connecticut Audubon Society
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Support the Milford Point Coastal Center With a Pledge for the 'Big Sit!'
This international event, created by New Haven Bird Club, and sponsored by Bird Watchers Digest, will be held Sunday, October 13, with teams competing worldwide.
The B.W. Surf Scopers will position themselves on the observation platform at the Smith Point end of Milford Point. The goal is to spot as many species of birds as possible without leaving their seats!
We need your help to make this event the best yet. Please support the team's record-breaking quest with a pledge.
Every dollar you pledge will go directly to support the Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center at Milford Point – truly one of the best birding destinations in the Northeast!
For a pledge form, please contact Louise Crocco, our office manager, at 203-878-7440 x 502.
You can pledge a lump sum or a dollar amount per bird. Your donation is 100 percent tax deductible; the money is used to support our conservation and education efforts. We’ll post the results here.
We appreciate your generous support!
(Photo of Milford Point courtesy of Anthony Donofrio.)
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Chim-Chim-in-ey Swifts!
Audubon Society helped to monitor a Chimney Swift nest and roost site this
summer in Hartford. Watching
these amazing birds fly around over the rooftop of the Governor’s Foot Guard
Armory on 159 High Street, I soon found myself singing my own version of the
popular song from Mary Poppins.
Chim chim-in-ey, chim
chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-ee!
A swift is as lucky, as lucky can be
chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-oo!
Good luck will rub off when it
swirls above you
Or blow it a kiss and that's lucky too
Now, as the ladder of
life 'as been strung
You might think a swift's on the bottommost rung
As I watch
it flutter around like the ashes and smoke
In this 'ole wide world there's no
'appier bloke
Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-ee!
A swift is as
lucky, as lucky can be
Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey Chim chim cher-oo!
luck will rub off when it swirls above you
It has a tail with spiked bristles oh
yes it do
Featherless shafts to prop itself ‘gainst the flue
Up where the smoke
was once billered and curled'
Tween pavement and stars is the chimney swift
When it’s the end of the day but not quite night
You’ll see them swirling
and twittering in the twilight
About the rooftops of Hartford, oh what a sight!
-Anthony Zemba (with apologies to Richard M.
and Robert B. Sherman)
with my co-monitors, Jack and Maggie Peretto from the Hartford Audubon Society,
we monitored the chimney at the armory starting the last week of
April and continuing until just last week. The Perettos and I conducted this
monitoring as volunteers for Chimney Swift Watch - a cooperative initiative
with the University of Connecticut and the Wildlife Division of the Connecticut
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy or “CWCS” (CTDEP, 2005) identified the Chimney Swift as a
species of Greatest Conservation Need in the urban habitat environment. To
address the findings of the CWCS, the DEEP embarked on this initiative to
more thoroughly assess the Chimney Swift population in Connecticut.
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Chimney Swift inside the flue of a Chimney in Canada
Credit: Mike Veltri
swifts are aerial insectivores that are often found coursing the skies over
towns, cities, and rivers searching for their invertebrate prey during the
spring and summer seasons. Although we do not know the comparative status of
these birds during the pre-Colonial period, they were reported by Forbush
(1907) in Massachusetts to be “one of the common sights of summer twilight as
it flies twittering above trees and houses.” In Connecticut, Sage (1911)
reported them to be an abundant summer resident from May until September.
Zeranski and Baptist (1990) identified this species as a common migrant, yet an
uncommon nester throughout the state in unused chimneys. Clark (1994)
speculated that if people continued to screen their chimneys to prevent
squirrels, bats, and other animals from entering, Connecticut could experience
a marked decline in swift numbers.
Perhaps this is not the only cause of their decline. Researchers are investigating historic roosts
in hopes of finding other clues concerning the breeding biology and life
histories of Chimney Swifts and what may have changed over time. Are there
changes in diet, environmental factors, anthropogenic disturbances, pathogens,
etc. that have contributed to the decline? The results of one research team in
Canada and many more pictures of swifts can be found in the link in the photo
caption below.
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Outside of the breeding season, Chimney Swifts often
congregate in flocks and often spend the night in communal roosts. Photo Credit: Mike Veltri:
their past status appears to be, the literature suggests that they were once
common breeders in Connecticut but have apparently been declining since the
1960s, and appear to be disappearing from their northern range in Canada.
Chimney Swift Watch attempts to address the first step in potential future
management decisions by monitoring known sites across the state to assess their
relative abundance. Despite their
decline, they are still known for their spectacular twilight
aggregations in autumn, when numerous chimney swifts form sizeable flocks
before the onset of migration.
Connecticut Audubon Society’s State of the Birds 2013 addressed the decline of
aerial insectivores, so the timing was right for me to volunteer for Chimney
Swift Watch. As a volunteer, I got to
choose a roost site to monitor throughout the spring and summer seasons. I chose the Hartford Armory site for no
particular reason except that the name intrigued me. The First Company Governor’s Foot Guard was
organized in October 1771. It is the nation’s oldest continually operating
military organization. You can read more
about the history of the First Company Foot Guard here:
The First Governor’s Foot Guard Armory in
Hartford hosts a known Chimney Swift roost. Photo by: Anthony Zemba © Connecticut Audubon
First Company Governor’s Foot Guard Armory is one of over a dozen sites across
Connecticut that was selected for the 2013 Monitoring Season. Wildlife
biologist Shannon Kearny-McGee of the Connecticut DEEP wanted to know whether the
site was used for nesting, roosting, or both. Maggie and I took turns
conducting weekly counts to document usage of this site. Beginning in the last
week of April, we arrived at the armory twenty minutes before sunset and
counted all swifts seen entering, leaving, or flying within 100 meters of the
chimney. We recorded temperature, visibility distance in meters, precipitation,
cloud coverage, wind speeds, and sunset time. In the beginning of the season
(April-May) we had multiple swifts using the chimney, but counts rarely
exceeded a dozen birds. By early summer counts remained fairly steady at two
individuals throughout most of July and August. Where were the large swirling
masses that I had read and heard about entering the chimney at dusk?
On Monday, July 1, the DEEP organized a swift social event at the
Willimantic Brew Pub where we all got to congregate with like swift-minded
people involved in the monitoring effort. We dined at the pub’s outdoor tables
and drank the pub’s “Flying Cigar Ale” of which portions of each sale went
toward swift conservation. At dusk, we
were led on a walk a couple of blocks down Main Street to witness the return of
swifts to one of the Willimantic roost locations. We watched as hundreds of swifts poured into
the chimney as darkness approached. Such
had not been the case in Hartford for the Perettos and me since we started
monitoring the Hartford site in late April. Shannon thought that perhaps the
Armory’s chimney had become a nesting site rather than a roost site.
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“Flying Cigar” shape of the Chimney Swift in flight. Notice the spikey feather shafts extending
from the tail feathers. Swifts use these
structures to help prop them against the wall of the chimney.
Photo Credit: Mike Veltri:
mid-August, numbers again rose up into the dozen range, but still nothing
compared to some of the other sites being monitored in Connecticut. Early September was not much different until
I arrived on site on September 11. That
afternoon, large numbers of swifts began to appear out of seemingly nowhere
about 10 minutes before sunset. They organized into a large swirling,
twittering mass above the armory. The
swirling mass formed an axis plane that was level with the ground surface but
above the rooftop of the armory. As the
flock swirled and gained in number, the axis of the mass shifted and approached
the chimney like a giant buzz saw, the teeth of the saw being the outmost
individuals in the swirling mass. As the
mass got closer to the chimney, birds began to drop with a flutter into the
chimney opening and out of site. To do
this they had to slow their velocity and orient their wings up and back above
their bodies and thus only a few could enter at a time – a rate far too slow
compared to the revolution speed of the swirling mass, therefore, many birds
bypassed the chimney opening and circled back around in time with the
majority. Cycles of swirling swifts
continued in this manner until all had their chance to pass by and drop into
the opening to settle down for the night. I recorded 132 swifts entering the
roost at twilight. What a spectacle to
The following week, only three swifts entered
the roost at dusk, and as I began to write this (the week of September 21) a
few reports of stragglers remained in the state. And so it appears that Chimney Swift
migration has come to an end here in Connecticut. I look forward to seeing what’s in store for
2014, and singing Chim – chim-in-ey
again for another summer.
To see how the Hartford roost’s maximum recorded count compared to other sites
monitored this year visit the CTDEEP’s project
Chimney Swift Watch website via this link: Become a volunteer!
- Anthony Zemba
Certified Ecologist / Soil Scientist
Director of Conservation Services
A “Flying Cigar” appears
over one of Connecticut’s industrial chimneys. Photo credit: Shannon Kearney, CTDEEP.
G. Jr. 1994. Chimney Swift In: The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Connecticut.
Louis Bevier, ed. Bulletin No. 113. State Geological and
Natural History Survey of Connecticut. Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection: Hartford, CT.
CTDEP. 2005. Connecticut’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Developed by the Connecticut Department of Natural Resources in consultation with Terwilliger Consulting, Inc. October 1, 2005.
Forbush, E. H. 1907. Useful Birds and their Protection. Massachusetts Board of Agriculture.
Sage, J.H. & L. B. Bishop. 1913. The Birds of Connecticut. Bulletin No. 20 of the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut.
Zeranski, J. D. & T. R. Baptist. 1990. Connecticut Birds. University Press of New England: Hanover, N.H.
CTDEP. 2005. Connecticut’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Developed by the Connecticut Department of Natural Resources in consultation with Terwilliger Consulting, Inc. October 1, 2005.
Forbush, E. H. 1907. Useful Birds and their Protection. Massachusetts Board of Agriculture.
Sage, J.H. & L. B. Bishop. 1913. The Birds of Connecticut. Bulletin No. 20 of the State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut.
Zeranski, J. D. & T. R. Baptist. 1990. Connecticut Birds. University Press of New England: Hanover, N.H.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Flora and Fauna Walk in Fairfield on Saturday with Milan Bull
Saturday, October 5, 10 – 11 a.m.
Join us for our seasonal flora and fauna walk at the Center at Fairfield, 2325 Burr Street. Milan Bull, Connecticut Audubon Society's senior director of science and conservation, will join Fairfield Forestry Committee members Mary Hogue and Misty Beyer for a guided walk in the Larsen Sanctuary at the Center.
Over 30 trees and shrubs will be identified on the walk, including native and invasive species. The walk will focus on the animals and insects that live and eat the trees and shrubs. We’ll consider how trees and habitat prepare for winter. We will examine how they work together to keep the forest in or out of balance. Issues concerning climate change and its impact on the forest will be explored.
This is the second of the four seasonal flora and fauna walks that we are offering this year.
Free for Connecticut Audubon Society members and $5 for nonmembers. To register or for more information, call 203-259-6305 ext. 109.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Kinglets are in at Milford Point
Fall migration is in full swing at Milford Point. One of the
most abundant species currently flying around are Kinglets. I found both
species, Ruby-crowned (Regulus calendula) and Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus
satrapa), in good numbers on the site. The pictures below are from an early
morning banding session with our volunteer banders at Milford Point. So come
down to the Coastal Center and see these wonderful birds yourself.
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Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) |
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Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula) |
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Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) |
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Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula) |
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Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) |
Sean Graesser
Conservation Technician
Photo by Sean Graesser/ Copyright Connecticut Audubon Society.
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