H. Smith Richardson Wildlife Preserve and Christmas Tree Farm, 74 acres, Sasco Creek Road, Westport
Three distinct parcels make up this preserve: a 24-acre Christmas Tree plantation, a 14-acre field habitat and a 36-acre evergreen plantation that has remained virtually undisturbed for the last 30 years. For a self-guided visit to each parcel, an interpretative brochure is available at the entrance.
FROM I-95 Eastbound: Take Exit 19 - Southport. Go left off exit and proceed to traffic light at Rt. 1. Turn left onto Rt. 1 (Post Rd.) and go to second traffic light. Take a left and follow from * below.
FROM I-95 Westbound: Take Exit 19 - Southport. Stay straight off exit to traffic light at Route 1 - Post Road intersection. Take a right onto Rt. 1 and at third traffic light, take a left. Follow directions from * below.
* At fork, take right and proceed straight on Green Farms Rd. Take a left onto Sasco Creek Rd. Preserve and Tree Farm are 0.1 mile on left.
Maybe you will run into me as I survey the property. Perhaps one of the trees you buy will be from this June photo!
It really is a beautiful sanctuary, and it is a good spot for some late fall rarities...
Photos © Scott Kruitbosch
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